I want to apply as SETA's Home-Based Online English Teacher. What shall I do?
As a SETA's teacher, you will –
- get yourself ready prior to your reserved classes and see to it that you've studied the company-provided teaching materials/guides.
- can handle a 25-minute, one-on-one lesson to Japanese students online through Skype as the platform.
- allow students be aware of their lapses by means of giving them corrective feedback.
- make lesson assessments for students at the end of each lesson.
How to know if I am eligible as an applicant?
- You are. As long as you meet the job requirements necessary for application as a home-based online English teacher.
Are we required to be able to speak Japanese?
- No. Proficiency in Japanese, or any language aside from English, is not a requirement.
How will I know my application status?
- Feel free to post us on hr@sptr.jp using the (Subject Title: Recruitment Inquiry) format.
For former trainers and who would like to work again, is reapplication possible?
- Yes. However, you are hereby advised to provide a Letter of Intent and send it to us at hr@sptr.jp
What is each class' duration?
Each class takes 25 mins.
Am I required for a lesson plan when having my classes?
- We are using the booking system for class reservations.Students have the free will to choose their desired teachers. Teachers on the other hand, are advised to prepare lessons suitable for the reserved student's level and must use the provided company-teaching materials.
What is the best time to plot schedules ?
- The whole day is possible as its depends on the student's availability.However, we highly encouraged teachers to work during peak hours.
Is promotion possible here in SETA?
- Yes, as long as you consider hard work as a part of your daily discipline.
Is professional growth here in SETA possible? Would it be fast?
- Yes. Teachers who have shown great sense of professionalism,determination and hard work is more likely to attain this chance.
What would be the basis of my rate salary?
- Depending on your credentials and qualifications, and performance during the hiring process
Can I expect teacher's training prior to my floor deployment?
-Yes. Teachers can be the BEST VERSION of themselves as we provide free continuous trainings needed for their teaching and professional growth.
As to what range of money can I get from SETA?
Your salary is based on your conducted booked classes and performance evaluation as a teacher. You can get as much as 50,000 a month. The more slots you opened, the higher your expected wage.
How can I earn more?
Teachers who display a great level of professionalism and dedication by taking care of their business, available during the weekday and weekend peak hours, investing in teaching aids and equipment, attend SETA's trainings and consistently delivering quality lessons tend to earn more in SETA.
SETA also offers:
• Performance-based incentives
• Peak hour incentives
• Compression bonus
• Referral incentives
…plus other incentives and promos.